Friday, April 30, 2010

Week 27: New Evidence, Annotated Playlist

You will create an annotated playlist with links to the podcasts that you are listening to on the wiki. (Provide an analysis of the podcasts on the playlist.)

Your analysis should cover these major components: a) how this podcast episode is organized; b) how the podcast homepage is organized; c) what the podcast producer is saying about the topic covered; d) your opinion on the topic

A clearly written analysis will indicate details on examination of the perspective of the creator, followed by your opinion.

Here is a SAMPLE of this assignment

Day 1:Set up your annotated playlist webpage

  • Login and go to your Wikispace page.
  • Set up your Annotated Playlist Page by creating a link to new page in your wiki space.
  • activate the new page that you just made.
  • Begin your search for a podcast series that interests you, use the meta search technique of using the "+" sign between words.
  • observe how the podcast is organized as well as what the producer is saying
Day 2: Choosing a topic for your annotated playlist
  • In the top right corner of your browser you will see the Google search field
  • use the meta-search technique to find possible podcasts to listen to and annotate/analyze
  • Refer to the assignment or table slips for requirements

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 26: Setting up to begin Podcasting Unit

Day 1: Creating our account and creating our own wiki
Here are links to the grade and class Project Wikis.
  • Join Wikispaces with your school username plus section number, password and email.
  • Ask to join the Project Wiki for your grade
7th Grade
6th Grade
  • "Create New Wiki" from your account page
  • Use this naming format for your new Wiki: "yourname's"-podcast-project
  • optional: you are free to make a personal wiki of your own, with your account you can make as many wiki's as you want, however, keep your project wiki appropriate for school work.
Optional: Use the "Manage Wiki" link to change the look and feel of your page

Day 2: How do we link our page to the class page?
Using "Edit-write-link-save" we will link our personal project pages to the class page.
  • Use Safari for this process
  • login to your wikispaces account
  • open your project page and copy the URL(web address)
  • go to the class page, click on the student pages link for your section
  • click the edit button
  • add your name to the list
  • select(highlight) your name
  • click the link button
  • select "external link"
  • paste in your URL
  • check the "new window" box
  • click "Add link"
  • note: if it doesn't work at first, (usually when you are in Firefox)click EDIT again, and select the "Load" message that pops up
  • now see your name linked there, and click save

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week 23: Citing Sources, MLA citation, online Citation tools

Citing Sources , to build your Bibliography, Based on Modern Language Association Citation Format

There are some online tools to help you do your citations correctly, we will use:
Your goal for day 1: create an "easybib" account, and cite one of your online articles. Copy and paste the citation into a new google doc called "bibliography-digiciti".
Your goal for day 2: create citations for all of your sources, paste them into your bibliography document.

How to do MLA citation format

This format below is for writing a bibliography.
(not footnotes or endnotes. Footnotes and endnotes differ slightly.)

A bibliographic entry has three main parts, each separated by a period:

  1. the author's name, reversed for alphabetizing;
  2. the title;
  3. and the publication information.
(A footnote or endnote has four parts: the author's name in normal order, then a comma; the title; the publication information in parenthesis; then a page reference, followed by a period.)
From: Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 5th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1999.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Do you know what Plagiarism is?

Take the quiz here:

*Notice* Term 2 report card is coming soon, March 18th
Check ease for outcomes
Evidence to be rated:
  1. diigo annotated bookmarks
  2. vocabulary list, google doc, 1 per team
  3. brief outline, google doc, one per shared with all team members
  4. paraphrasing research, google doc, one per student

Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 21: Annotation, Paraphrasing, Plagarism

Assignment: (Evidence) create a new google doc, name it "paraphrasing research", here is a SAMPLE
Steps to complete assignment:
  1. open your diigo library, find articles that you have bookmarked, or find a new source article for your research topic to work with
  2. annotate the article online using diigo
  3. from your diigo library copy and paste at least three important annotations into your google doc
  4. put quotes around the content that you have annotated(since you did not create it)
  5. after each quote, paraphrase: restate the important ideas in your own words for each quote
Mini-lesson: We have been using Diigo to annotate the webpages that we are using as our sources for this research project.
Vocabulary as we have defined it:

Annotation: choosing bits and pieces, important parts of articles, key ideas about our topic, and highlighting them to refer to later.

Paraphrase: the process of restating in your own words, the key ideas in what we have annotated. We learned that we cannot simply change a few words or rearrange some words, we have to understand the ideas and write then in our own words or it will be plagiarism.

Plagiarism: to copy someone else's work with out permission, knowledge, or giving them credit for it. This is illegal, considered cheating or stealing.

We have to "cite" our sources. This means giving them credit and getting permission to use thieir work. this is one reason that we use Creative commons, .

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Some things that you will need for your presentation to be successful

Choose your presentation tool or strategy
Create an outline of your script to show how you will organize your presentation
Write a presentation script

Assignment: Each group will create a Script outline in a new Google document
Script Outline elements:(click here for sample outline)
1.Introduce your topic and explain it, how will you do this?
2.Include words from your vocabulary list, these should be explained and used in your presentation
3.Give details, examples from real life, or statistics
4.Let the audience know why this subject is important for them, why should they care?
5.Give suggestions, tips, common errors, or safety warnings if it applies
6.Conclusion, summary,

After your presentation ask your audience for questions.

Please print and submit your bibliograpgy,
we will work on this in class after learning to "cite" our sources

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Our Diigo class group

the Youthvoices Diigo group and see if outher students and schools in our community have any leads for you.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The 9 Elememts of Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure.
2. Digital Communication: electronic exchange of information.
3. Digital Literacy: process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology.
4. Digital Access: full electronic participation in society.
5. Digital Commerce: electronic buying and selling of goods.
6. Digital Law: electronic responsibility for actions and deeds
7. Digital Rights & Responsibilities: those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world.
8. Digital Health & Wellness: physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world.
9. Digital Security (self-protection): electronic precautions to guarantee safety.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What is Digital Citizenship?

What is a citizen? one definition is, "an inhabitant of a country, state, city or town, especially one entitled to its privileges, and owing allegiance to it."*
What is citizenship? one definition is, "the character of an individual viewed as a member of society; behavior in terms of the duties, obligations, and functions of a citizen"*

We might say that digital citizenship is knowing how to behave appropriately and responsibly with regard to technology use.
This is a big topic. We'll start by writing, reflecting, and searching for more information. Then we'll look at the three categories that get divided into 9 Elements of digital Citizenship.(See the 9 elements here)

Writing, reflecting, and searching for more information:
  • Do your writing in your TYWLS Google account, title it "digital citizenship".
  • first start with a free-write, get all your thoughts down in words
  • next search the internet for more information
  • when you find good information, copy the URL and add it to the bottom of your document as a reference
  • finally add more information to your writing

Digital citizenship topics (3 categories and 9 Elements)

1. Using technology in school
Student Learning and Academic Performance
(using technology and digital tools)

2. How to behave when using technology
Student Environment and Student Behavior

(using technology and digital tools)

3. Using technology outside of school
Student Life Outside the School Environment

(using technology and digital tools)